Downtown Improvement Grants
$200,000 in Grant Funds are Available for Facade Improvements
(Scroll Down for Award Results)
November 27, 2023
It is exciting to announce that the City of Cleveland and MainStreet Cleveland was awarded a Downtown Improvement Grant by the State of Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development.
The City of Cleveland received the maximum funding amount of $300,000 for streetscape and commercial façade improvements. The City will use $100,000 towards improving the streetscape, as part of the Downtown Beautification Initiative, providing the remaining $200,000 for property and business owners in the approved district to apply towards their own improvement projects.
This grant was made possible by the close relationship between the City and MainStreet Cleveland. The MainStreet Cleveland Board of Directors have been integral to the development of the grant application and setting a vision for the Downtown Beautification Initiative. The Cleveland City Council appropriated
$1 million for beautification downtown, this grant opportunity along with matching funds, will increase the Council’s initial investment to $1.4 million in improvements.
All eligible property owners or tenants are encouraged to download the application and begin considering potential projects. A mandatory pre-application meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at 5:00pm on Thursday, December 14, 2023. If you are interested, but unavailable for the pre-application meeting, contact MainStreet Cleveland Executive Director Sharon Marr prior to the meeting. Applications are due by February 1, 2024 and projects are expected to be completed by December 31, 2024.
About the Grant
The City of Cleveland has been awarded $300,000 from the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) for improving building facades, courtyard improvements, and streetscaping. The 2023-2024 Downtown Improvement Grant (DIG) seeks to encourage building owners and tenants to invest in properties located within the MainStreet Cleveland footprint (see exhibit A), by financially assisting with building needs that serve an appropriate public purpose and benefit. The scope of the grant allows for $200,000 to be used towards reimbursing district property owners for certain exterior rehabilitation, restoration, or improvement projects. The remaining grant funds will be invested in streetscape improvements within the MainStreet District.
The intention of providing funds to subgrantees is to stimulate building improvements while being mindful of the historical significance and uniqueness of this district to increase commerce. Priority projects listed in the scope of the grant are: replacing deteriorated awnings; re-opening bricked-up windows; replacing doors; improving entryways, including side and rear business entrances; improving storefront facades; improving courtyards used for commerce; and repainting previously painted facades.
The DIG program requires that the building owner or tenant contribute a matching amount of at least 25%, if awarded. The independent Selection Committee will select projects to be awarded and determine available funding.
Applications are due by 4 p.m. on February 1, 2024 to MainStreet Cleveland and awards will be announced after the City receives the approved grant contract from the State of Tennessee. All proposed work must be completed no later than December 31, 2024.
The applicant (either building owner or tenant) must be prepared to advance the entire match amount of 25% of the total cost to the City of Cleveland prior to any work beginning.
No work can begin prior to obtaining express permission granted by the City of Cleveland. City of Cleveland and MainStreet Cleveland staff will work closely with awardees to make sure procurement, permitting, and preservation procedures are followed.
*Match Math: (Grant Amount Requested/.75)*0.25 = Required Match
Downtown Improvement Grants Awarded
March 8, 2024 – The City of Cleveland, in partnership with MainStreet Cleveland, have announced the awarded projects for the 2023 Downtown Improvement Grant (DIG23) from the State of Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development. Twenty-seven (27) applications were made to the City requesting over $856,000 to fund over $1,100,000 in proposed projects. Competition for the $200,000 in available funding was robust. The independent Selection Committee approved funding for fifteen (15) of the applications, totaling more than $221,000 in grant funds, if all projects are completed as proposed. The fifteen proposed projects will leverage their portion of grant funds to complete over $718,000 of improvements across the district.
In November, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Stuart C. McWhorter announced that Cleveland was one of 17 communities across the state that are recipients of Downtown Improvement Grants. The City of Cleveland received the maximum funding amount of $300,000 for streetscape and commercial façade improvements. The City will use $100,000 towards improving the streetscape, as part of the Downtown Beautification Initiative, providing the remaining funds for property and business owners in the approved district to apply towards their own improvement projects.
The awarded projects include:
- 85 South Ocoee Street: replace storefront system
- 60 North Ocoee Street: window replacement
- 96 North Ocoee Street: uncover bricked-over windows
- 180 North Ocoee Street: replace awnings
- 246 North Ocoee Street: improving rear deck and patio
- 283 North Ocoee Street: replace windows
- 130 Inman Street: new storefront and main entrance
- 200 Inman Street: replace banners/signage
- 120 Inman Street: add awnings and lighting
- 265 Inman Street: add awnings
- 185 Inman Street East: replace awnings
- 233 Inman Street East: replace wood facade
- 168 1st Street Northeast: renovate patio
- 180 1st Street Northeast: add mezzanine
- 266 Broad Street: replace rotten wood and upgrade lighting